The Fallacy of Bigger, Cheaper, & Faster: Why Robots, Drones, Convenience Apps, Manipulation Politics, and Outsourcing Will Fail

Does anyone remember the big scare back in the 70's - 90's about how robots would replace human beings at car factories because they were cheaper and more efficient? If they were cheaper and have replaced people ... why have car prices continued to rise? See - there's a conundrum in this math. If more … Continue reading The Fallacy of Bigger, Cheaper, & Faster: Why Robots, Drones, Convenience Apps, Manipulation Politics, and Outsourcing Will Fail

Senator Jeff Merkley On Judge Michael Kavanaugh: Using Stupidity as a Blockade!

Please forgive me for posting another political rant ... but politics is once again back in our lives in such an intrusive way that no matter how hard I strive to avoid it, not listen to it, and focus on my own, everyday life - the news and Hollywood are determined to shove it in … Continue reading Senator Jeff Merkley On Judge Michael Kavanaugh: Using Stupidity as a Blockade!