Bleak Christmas Wishes: After a Chaotic 2018 Year and All That Has Gone Wrong, Trying to Find Hope

PREFACE: I highly recommend you don't read this. It is literally rambling and dissension about the current state of chaos, as I personally see it, occurring in the world (especially America). It's long and obnoxiously depressing. So, why am I writing it? I need to. I need to say a few things, even if no … Continue reading Bleak Christmas Wishes: After a Chaotic 2018 Year and All That Has Gone Wrong, Trying to Find Hope

An Attempt to Quantify the Presidential Comparisons, Lies vs. Exaggerations

So, it's been published by the New York Times and others that President Trump has lied literally 3,000 times or more (5,000 if you follow the Washington Post). However, if you read the articles and what the newspapers call "lies", there's a very fine line to be walked. In some cases, the lies are outright … Continue reading An Attempt to Quantify the Presidential Comparisons, Lies vs. Exaggerations