An Inter-Dimensional Traveler, or, Just an Electron in Liquid Space?

from Slayerment
It’s funny when scientists tell us about quantum theory validations of the multiverse, other dimensions, and even spend billions of dollars on hadron colliders to transverse said dimensions and in the same breath laugh when they hear about God, or tribes that perceived events as supernatural phenomena. In fact, when one considers the fallacy that the big bang theory is a “scientific principle” and not an element of faith in unknown events that cannot be proven, science is a lot less “believable” than before. Those who rely on science as an “answer” to the universe because the idea of “gods” is too complex to capture or understand have simply traded one religion for another. Thus, a while ago, I began the journey of questioning scientific logic and reasoning in multiple disciplines – one of those being string theory and the multiverse. I would “love” there to be a multiverse and in fact have theories to support it – but the current scientific approaches (such as Schrodinger’s cat), are filled with more plot holes than the Christian Bible. In this article, I will challenge the multiverse theory based on observations of electron orbital fields and other similar phenomena.

First, let’s examine the underlying principle of “perception” in quantum mechanics. Jeremie Harris does an excellent job “simplifying” the duality of quantum states in his article, “You Probably Live in a Parallel Universe. Here’s Why“. I recommend it as a good precursory read for those unfamiliar with quantum duality before reading this article, if you want to delve down into the depths of things – otherwise, no worries. Quantum duality (my term, not “science”) is the basic principle whereby two simultaneously observed possibilities, or … an unexplained event, becomes too much to figure out in a limited box of physics and suddenly… voila! The gods DO exist … as does magic … but in parallel dimensions. See, because scientists are sure that they can see an electron spinning in two, different directions, there MUST be a dual state of existence and therefore, everything has two (or more) states of existence! It’s no different than a tribal witch doctor lobotomizing an insane person filled with demons and because they are suddenly calm and relaxed coming to the conclusion – it must be true (yes, scientists, that was an extreme comparison on my part)! Of course, scientifically, that’s me massively simplifying things – but in the macrocosm – that is what it is.

From Wronghands

Of course, there is the problem of perception. Because two people see the same event and conclude completely different answers must also mean that there are two different possibilities, right? After all, you see the light spectrum and declare that 590 – 625 nm is a unique range of light and therefore it must be orange. Someone else looks at it and sees that the chemical transition has caused a new mixing various colors that become a new, distinct color and the pigment is called orange because of chemistry! But, a color blind person looks at it and says no, it’s grey. WHAT? All three people are correct. However, there’s one more perspective that is correct: when trying to describe what fruits to pick, someone, somewhere, once upon a time, (before all this science) said, “Go get the orange one,” and the color orange, was born. Now, a scientist might tell you I’m just being ignorant because the science is science. Maybe. However, the approach in each situation is 100% unique and different and in fact, each presents a multiple dimension of completely separate paths that converge at the same point. But, each occurred in the same universe and thus concluding that perception is a multiplicity that requires extra-dimensional existence is not exactly … “sound” science (in my opinion).

Now, there are about 10 billion other arguments to be made on and off line. Mathematical scientists will show you the infallible math … except for the part they can’t explain which becomes multiple dimensions. Ancient peoples might show you proof that when they pray for an orange tree after planting a seed and oranges come out – that the gods have answered their prayers. According to the multiplicity of quantum physics, the orange is also blue, purple, green, and every other color in the light spectrum except one: invisible. WHAT? Is there a limit to the multiplicity factor of quantum physics? Yes. The orange has mass. The orange’s cells exist in the known color spectrum and because orange is defined as a color, it cannot be defined any other way or it is no longer a duality of the same observation. For example, I can’t say that in one universe orange is invisible to all who see it and has never been discovered or that it has zero mass or otherwise – it is now a different object. (the fallacy of perception).

Let’s look at another problematic situation, as I linked to previously: Schrodinger’s cat (a terrible story). A scientist locks a cat in a box to see if it will die due to starvation. Yes, that is the “standing on the outside looking in” explanation (you can follow the link previously provided if you want to see what “justification/rationale” Schrodinger used other than starvation). The duality of particles was erroneously translated to the duality of entire worlds and scientific measurements were supposed to cross the threshold of ethereal interpretations (which is why science now refers to a happy, sad, living, or dead cat based on a singular event vs starving it over time). Any scientist whose brain was not broken could understand the unique nature of the state of energy and that it is not perpetual and thus, living creatures require sustenance to continue electro-chemical reactions in order to create more energy and not die. But, from that experiment, we get multiple theories: the grandfather paradox, the theory of consistency where events already occurred and there is no changing time, and so on. The same for multiverse theories whereby a singular event has a finite number of potential paths and outcomes that do not lead to alternate universes or even impact the flow of time. In no universe would depriving a mechanism that requires energy, of energy, allow the mechanism to continue. You can call the energy magic, you can say the mechanism has perpetual energy – but the mechanism still requires energy and therefore depriving it of energy – kills the mechanism and a multi-dimensional possibility is both limited and potentially, negated.

The next potential to consider is alternative forms of energy. All energy that humanity measures is in the form of electromagnetic energy. From the slowest movements of particles to cosmic rays, we “measure” energy by the movement of electrons. However, are electrons the “only” form of energy that exists? What happens if there is another form of energy that cannot be measured by machines designed to look for “electrons”, but that energy does affect the electrons around it? Looking at it from the left, one might deduce that the electrons are spinning to the right simply by the way the unknown energy interacts with the surrounding electrons. Looking at if from the right, it might appear to be the opposite. And, we can perform the same test a 1000 times over again and each time see that the electron appears to be spinning in two, different directions – but we also do not know how that alternative form of energy (for example, the theorized “gravitrons” of gravitational energy) are impact our instruments. Thus, jumping to the conclusion that an electron is spinning in two different directions at the same time (which infers that it exists in multiple dimensions simultaneously), and building a multi-billion dollar hadron collider to enter parallel dimensions – may not be the best use of “science” (no – no scientists will accept what I am saying because being “wrong”, is not a potential for scientists who bank off that career, even if their multi-dimensional theory of infinite possibilities does support the fact that in at least 1 dimension – they are wrong).

But, now, let’s get into one of my scientific theories and for this, you’re going to need to understand Liquid Space Theory. Every time I write about liquid space, I update it and refine it more and more from its original (and I am sure it has a ways to go … I’ll post more links at the end), but for those who don’t want to read the link, the principle is this: The universe is filled, from one end to the other like an “ocean”. The tiny particles that make up the universe are called Specs. They give shape, motion, behavior, and affect to everything. They are essentially what scientists would otherwise call the “God Particle”. Liquid space is very similar to string theory in that everything is connected except it does not require crossing through alternate dimensions. Liquid Space also accepts that science has only achieved a billionth of what it will in the lifetime of creatures in the universe and some things, like seeing opposite spins of an electron at the same time, have alternate explanations we just have not yet encountered (rather than relying on the “gods”).

One of the biggest scientific arguments for alternate dimensions that I know of lies in the orbital path of electrons:

Figure 1

In Figure 1, the top image is the traditional “atom” as seen in school textbooks, whereby an electron spins around a core of protons and neutrons in a perfect orbit. However, life is not so “perfect”. The bottom image in Figure 1 is that of an electron whose orbital path intersects with the atomic core. According to observations, the electron exists until it enters the core where it “measurably” disappears, and then “magically” reappears on the other side. But, what magic allows this mass-less particle of wonder to magically pass through the center of an object? Is it dark wizardry? (That’s my guess) …

Pencil “magically” passes through card!

Well, herein lies the trap of science that is actually based off of blindly accepting principles until it becomes a religion: believing it is the only correct answer. According to quantum physics, the electrons temporarily pass into another dimension, and then come back into our dimension, avoiding a collision with the the atomic core. That is correct: the scientists who scoff at gods and magic provide the more “wise” explanation that the pencil passes through the paper because electrons can jump dimensions! Of course … that would explain why people sometimes … *poof* … disappear. Sorry … traveled dimensions there for a second. Am I being simplistic again? Yes. There are a lot more variables when explaining why entire people would disappear. But, do understand, if there are multiple dimensions, I do already believe in the two-way path that would exist. However, I am not satisfied at the idea that simply because we can’t explain why Schrodinger’s cat died (apparently … starvation was not the answer???), science justifies that kitty went to dimension X. So … I’m offering the alternative theory supported by Liquid Space:

Going back to an adaptation of Liquid Space theory about light: Electrons are not mass-less and they are not particles (in the traditional sense). You can read the link to know more, but the theory provides a huge amount of support for what I’m about to propose next:

Figure 2

In Figure 2, we see the “mostly” separate bundle of specs as an electron passing through the spec field toward the atomic nucleus (the bottom picture in Figure 1). But, Liquid Space theory explains that specs travel in, through, and around EVERYTHING – so the neutrons and protons also contain specks:

Figure 3

According to the path of an electron in Liquid Space, energies that have become “particles”, such as protons and neutrons allow specs to pass through while the pattern of interconnected specs within AND without of the particle gives it shape and form and retains said shape and form. However, electrons, like protons, are a bit more “fuzzy” (not a perfect “sphere” of densely packed Specs). While electrons have a semi-discernible shape (generally portrayed as round), it is still a function of the Specks. In Figure 3, the first potential interaction then between the electron and the atomic core is not magically jumping through alternate dimensions, but instead, it is transference. Transference occurs when the wavelength / electro-magnetic energy of the electrons comes into contact with the core and does not “impact”, but instead transfers its energy through to the specs in the core, thus changing the wavelength of those particles and continuing through until it reaches the other side and exits, transferring the energy back into the surrounding spec field.

This theory may be less popular simply because the transfer of energy happens so rapidly and one might assume that it would create too much friction energy. However, with specs, this is not the case. As shown in the top picture of Figure 3, the wavelength / energy of electrons is dispersed into the energy of the core (thus the electrons seemingly disappear). Each spec within the core is excited with energy and transfers it to the next spec and so on and so on until the energy comes out the other side (conservation of momentum and energy). It is the speed of electrons that allows this to happen. The momentum of the energy keeps it moving through the core because speck particles have a “perfect” distance and anything that causes the distance to increase or decrease, including excited states, has an equal effect on the surrounding specks. Thus, light can travel almost indefinitely through space, but it is this energy / wavelength nature of specs that allow them to seeming pass through everything. This could be measured by passing an electron through a proton or neutron and measuring the electrical gain and excited states of the protons / neutrons. This is closest to a “vibration” whereby hitting the wall, the vibration is felt on the other side. However, the core of a neutron and proton are much easier to pass through than the molecules in a wall. And, the excited state of energy is what keeps the particles in an atom spinning and keeps it energized. As the electron energy passes through the core of the proton / neutron, it is spread out (like a spherical bellow) and then re-condensed on the opposite side (as the specs within the neutron/proton naturally pull back to their original distance) where the electron energy regains it speed and power, conserving both momentum and energy (the passing through specs having bounced around inside the neutron / proton like a ripple).

Transmission (the bottom image in Figure 3) shows the electron bundle of Specks passing “through” the atomic core. Upon entering the core, the energy of the surrounding specs are also affected (in a 3-dimensional space), and they bounce back and forth, gaining and losing specs as they do, and as they approach the one another, they keep the “electron” energy constrained and even speed it up.

Figure 4

In Figure 4, the electron (yellow), is passing through the atomic core where it pushes away the specs within the core (on the left), and the “spring-like” wave motion of the rebounding specs pushes back against the electron spec mass causing it to pass through even faster (on the right, indicated with double arrows).

Transference is not much different than sound passing through solid objects. Hitting a wall on one side and the resounding “thud” you hear is not the same sound heard on the other side. Yes, it is the same source, the same action, and the same vibration of particles that created the sound, but the energy contained in the sound wave is transferred through the particles it comes into contact with and as it passes through until it eventually reaches the other side and transfers enough of that energy into the air that it reaches the audible sound spectrum of electromagnetic energy. The reason the sound resonance is greatly reduced is because each particle within the wall absorbs a little bit of the energy as it passes through and disperses it in different directions. The difference with electrons (and especially using the Liquid Space theory) is that under the principles of conservation of energy, the same energy that goes in, comes out, and even though a small amount of energy is transferred to the atomic core, due to the nature of spec particles, the energy does not stay in the atomic core and is returned to the electrons (that is a very simplified, high level explanation).

Transmission is very much akin to radio waves passing through the air. Because of the lack of density in the air (and even some less-dense / solid objects), radio waves can easily pass through as the electromagnetic waves can slide in-between the other particles. As per Liquid Space theory, it is the “spec field” that literally carries radio waves and is the reason they are not immediately drawn to the ground via gravity. Thus, the same principle applies to electrons whereby the individual components that make up the electron allow it to pass freely through an atomic core. However, I would tend to favor the transference theory more based upon the manner in which electrons transfer “electrical energy” via the excitation of electrons passing from one orbital ring to the next and in each case, eventually transferring some of that energy into another medium such as an LED.

And, even if you want to set aside Liquid Space theory to evaluate the problem of electrons passing through the core of an atom (the protons and neutrons), transference and transmission of the core elements of those electrons solves that problem. The energy enters one side and due to both conservation of energy and momentum, the same energy exits the other side. We know very little energy is absorbed into the core because the core does not “seemingly” react to the electrons. However, we also know that the orbital rings stay consistently in place meaning that the interaction between the electron and the core is a self-sustaining (perpetual) system. It may not be infinite, but due to the tiny amount of energy imparted into the core, exciting its core elements which in turn excite the Speck field around it, creates an electromagnetic path for the electron to follow. It is a “perfect” machine in every, possible way. Even if electrons don’t pass through the core, the vibrations / wavelengths from electrons jumping orbital rings do transfer through to the core (eventually), exciting the specs within, which again, resound outward and form the path for electrons to follow (another high level, simplified explanation).

What’s the value in applying Liquid Space to the movement of electrons? Understanding that “inter-dimensional” travel is not  “sound” theory, when the more reasonable and rational theories exist to explain this phenomenon. It further reduces the “duality” of quantum science into more of a reasonable explanation of scientific principles we can explore within our own universe / dimension and may even contribute to our understanding of how to better harness energy. But, the other important value Liquid Space brings to the table is helping guide science to not go hog-wild crazy on inter-dimensional physics and teaches people to be more open-minded to alternate, rational explanations whereby we do not need to rely upon “magic” or “the gods” that transform science into a religion.

Anyway, I hope this helps someone, somewhere. If you enjoyed, please share with a scientist somewhere … who knows … maybe they’ll prove or disprove this theory and we can move onto the next one!

Thanks for reading.

Links to my crazy Liquid Space theory:

Liquid Space

Alternative theory / update on Liquid Space

Liquid Space and light

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, stated by Sherlock Holmes




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